The Hip Side Of HypnosisJan Lee CH, RN gives an outline on the process of being hypnotised and how this therapy can have powerful, and positive, effects in our everyday lives

I’m not sure there is anyone who can entrance a girl-loving girl more than Traci Dinwiddie (“Elena  Undone”) except a good hypnotist near Pittsburgh, Pa.

As a good Hypnotist, it’s my job to get you there, to “entrance” you to get rid of bad habits and improve your life. Hypnosis is not voodoo, not magic, and certainly not mind control.

We all go in and out of hypnotic states every day. When we just begin to drift off to sleep, we first open our eyes to the morning, when we drive the same route every day to work or school and we don’t recall the actual drive, it’s all hypnosis. Or even when we get “lost ” in a great book, a dramatic movie, sports, music, art, or lovemaking that blissfully takes us over the edge, it’s hypnosis!

These are times when our conscious minds are “on hold” and our suggestible subconscious minds are wide open to the experience. (Does that mean you should suggest a new silver Subaru as she goes over the edge? Probably not). A hypnotist will help you relax and focus, allowing you to “let go” of your busy mind and open your deeper mind to positive suggestions.

Hypnosis bypasses your busy mind and accesses your receptive deeper mind.

Here, then, is where change can occur.  A good hypnotist will be interested in you and will get to know you enough to craft a session unique for you. One size does not fit all.

I know the size 8 lime green Nikes I wear are not going fit everyone, nor will that color light everyone up like it does me!

Everyone is unique and so every client has a unique session.  As a hypnotist, I need to understand what induction fits you, what suggestions are right for you and what will light you up for change! When you are in a relaxed position (sitting, legs uncrossed, neck supported, hands on your lap or by your thighs), I’d begin to hypnotize you with a soothing, low voice; simple but powerful directions to help you relax, focus and let go of your busy conscious mind; words to deepen hypnosis.

What matters most is your ability to ” let go.” As I help you go deeper into a hypnotic state, your conscious mind may still be interrupting, “bugging ” you to reengage consciously. That’s ok. Simply ” let go” of those interruptions.

When you are hypnotized, you may feel detached, very relaxed or like you are falling asleep.

You will hear all sounds, but as if from a distance. As you focus on my voice, your imagination is activated and your critical mind is no longer dominant. It is as if the “guard dog” of your mind is off its leash.

There are varying depths of hypnosis. Change can occur even if the hypnotic state is light. After I bring you back to conscious awareness, you may feel sleepy; your hands and feet may feel light or heavy, tingly or just different; you may be surprised that you heard everything and surprised that you don’t recall everything I said.  This is normal. You may have a distorted sense of the time that passed. You may wish you could go right back to where you were in your mind.

The proof that it was effective will be a change in thoughts, feelings, and behavior related to the problem. This may not be immediate. The unfortunate thing is when a client labels the session (and maybe the hypnotist) a failure because the exact result is not obtained after a session.

Here are reasons this could happen.

  1. You did not really want to change.
  2. You were too resistant because you had misconceptions you did not address with your hypnotist.
  3. You didn’t like or trust the hypnotist.
  4. You experienced some change, but need more than one session.
  5. You need to reinforce the session with self-hypnosis. (I teach that with my sessions)

Hypnosis is about using your own powerful mind to make changes. Many studies have been done showing the powerful effects of hypnosis. It is primary treatment or complementary treatment for: PTSD, fears/ phobias, anxiety, addictions, obesity, ED, sports performance issues, pain, smoking, etc.