web_entertainment_Podcasting_dreamstime_5282241Wondering what’s on the Web for your listening pleasure? Read on.

2 Homos (2homos.com):

Roxanne and Virginia are the smart, hilarious 2 Homos of the title. Short, sweet and to the point, these frequent podcasts run about 10 to 15 minutes apiece and range from discussions of what they would do if they ran The L Word to finding a stripper heel on the fence of their house.

The Lesbian Lounge (mylesbianradio.com):

The sultry intro voiceover declares, “Get ready to laugh your ass off.” Denise and Donna host this show on MyLesbianRadio.com. It has a good mix of celebrity interviews, sex tips, discussions with chatroom visitors (Lipstick and Dipstick and our editor in chief, Diane Anderson-Minshall, are frequent guests).

Girl Meets Girl (makena.libsyn.com):

Siena Lee and Toast Tajiri, two young Hawaiian women who make up the acoustic duo MAKENA, offer quietly thoughtful yet fun weekly discussions about things that are important to them, ranging from being Asian American vegan lesbians to the Hawaiian music scene, to current events and sports.

A Black and a Jew (ablackandajew.com):

L.A.-based Action Jackson and Chin Chin shoot the, um, breeze about all manner of things. Check out their archive for their “The L Word Sucks” podcast, where they rant about the hit Showtime series (which, incidentally, they seem to watch religiously).

Dyke Drama (dykedrama.mevio.com):

Podcasting from opposite sides of the country—rural Pennsylvania for Evangeline “Vangie” Martinez and the San Francisco Bay Area for Niki Hutson—these entertaining women talk about LGBT topics in the news, relationships, family and work. They also offer two monthly review segments, “Toys for Twats” (sex toys, duh) and “That One Time We Were Drunk” (beer and wine reviews).

here! with Josh and Sarah (heretv.com):

Josh and Sarah’s weekly podcast from New York is a pop culture-fueled, newsy discussion of current events, ranging from American Idol to religion to literary interviews. They’ve been so successful, it’s now on TV.

The L Word (sho.com):

Here’s a straight-up (oh, never mind) treat for The L Word junkies. Although each podcast is brief—about four minutes—you do get video interviews with your favourite cast members. And, as the show heads into its final season, this is a great way to relive the series.

The Planet (theplanetcast.blogspot.com):

This is a funny, smart, fan-o-rific discussion about The L Word—the show you love (or love to hate). Spoilers abound here, so log on after you’ve seen the show, then hang out for some laughs. You’ll also find podcasts of The Chart—a giggly call-in show akin to Alice’s L Word radio show.