Jennifer Lawrence And Amy Adams
Jennifer Lawrence And Amy Adams

Plus, the perfect calendar for the new year: “It’s All Butch”

Jennifer Lawrence and Amy Adams apparently share a kiss in the upcoming movie, American Hustle. Adams says of the young star, “Maybe I just wanted to kiss Jennifer. She’s so cute!” You don’t have to tell us twice. Trailer below. [afterellen]

Former American Idol contestant Crystal Bowersox just released a song called “Coming Out For Christmas.” It’s late November, so not too early to give her holiday song a listen. Hey, go ahead and get festive. [shewired]

GBF, the comedy that tells the story of two friends in High School who come out for the sake of popularity, doesn’t hit theaters until Jan 17, but it’s available now to watch on DIRECTV! Tanner and Brent are certain that the school’s queen bees will fight over the chance to call them their Gay Best Friends, earning them a position in the spotlight among the popular kids. To celebrate (and promote) the film, this brand new clip has been released featuring Megan Mullally. [direcTV]

If you’re looking for someone new to obsess over, go read Allison Weiss’s latest interview with Autostraddle and listen to her new album, Say What You Mean (Sideway Sessions) that just dropped today. [autostraddle]

Allison Weiss, credit Shervin Lainez

Melissa Laveaux just debuted the powerful new video, featuring a female love story, for “Triggers” via The song is haunting and the video manages artsy and a hint of provocative. []

Looking for a new calendar to usher in the new year with? Why not one filled with lovely butch lesbians? Debbie Boud’s got you covered with “It’s All Butch”, and she’s ready to break butch stereotypes while she’s at it. [huffington]

It’s All Butch Calendar

Sharon Needles’ newest music video is up and if you like infomercials, metallic clothing and sky-high heels it’s definitely something you won’t want to miss. [huffington]


Washington Post’s advice column Ask Amy went viral today when she came up with a truly wonderful response to the argument that people choose to be gay. Amy writes, “You could teach your son an important lesson by changing your own sexuality to show him how easy it is.” Priceless. [washington post]

Liz Carmouche, Marine and UFC Trailblazer, was on ABC’s “Second Tour,” talking about her career and coming out post Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. “Second Tour” is a series that follows military veterans who are doing unique things in the civilian world, and Carmouche definitely fits the bill. Watch out for her. [ABCnews