Kathy Griffin
Kathy Griffin

Plus, the latest in Lohan news and the faux lesbian blogger’s book scam.

Oh Kathy Griffin, will you never cease to amaze me? For her latest comedy special the fiery-haired comic shared the story of the day she met presidential hopeful/t/birther/tea partier/homophobe, Michele Bachmann.

And in typical gay ally Griffin from, she took the opportunity to confront Bachmann on gay rights—on camera. Griffin kindly invites Bachmann to attend a rally to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. Predictably Bachmann turned down, here’s Griffin’s response… wait for it… “Were you born a bigot or did you grow into one?” Winning.

Check out the whole video here on Jezebel: jezebel.com/5814870/when-kathy-griffin-met-michelle-bachmann


Lindsay Lohan mysteriously—and quite rudely—stood up Matt Lauer earlier this week. Now we know it was over a failed urine test. Guess it’s kinda awkward to tell the world how you’ve “turned your life around” and then get thrown back in court three days later. Lohan was in court today where she was chided by Superior Court Judge Stephanie Sautner for having parties at her home while on house arrest. Sautner went on to say that Lohan was only guilty of “extremely poor judgement” and not in violation of her probation, as she is allowed alcohol. Sautner asked Lohan, “Do you want to get on with your life? Tell me.” Lohan said, “Yes, I do.” [Jezebel]


Tom MacMaster
Tom MacMaster


Earlier this year Tom MacMaster, under the guise of Amina Arraf, wrote to Minal Hajratwala, author of Lambda Literary Award-winning “Leaving India.” He asked her to send on pages of his manuscript to an agent. Hajratwala sent the manuscript back with edits, but as the hoax of “Gay Girl in Damascus” has come to light, she has now written of the work, “The faked lesbian sex scenes turn my stomach. The narcissistic writing, the sprinkling of quotations from the Koran and tidbits from Syrian history, the stock stories compiled from a thousand news clippings—it all seems painfully obvious.” Hajratwala has made the entire text of the “fake memoir” available for download. [Jezebel]


There really hasn’t been a Pixar movie that has done us wrong. For over a decade, we’ve watched the Toy Story films, Finding Nemo, Monsters Inc. and others. But where is the heroine? Where’s the female lead that is as awesome as Buzz Lightyear or Sulley? Looks like we don’t have to wait any longer. This week, the poster for Disney and Pixar’s latest film, Brave, hit the world. The story takes place in the Scottish Highlands and follows a “tomboyish” Princess Merida (Kelly Macdonald). According to Entertainment Weekly, Merida is “an unruly daughter and an accomplished archer” who one day “defies a sacred custom of the land and inadvertently brings turmoil to the kingdom.” Can it be that Princess Merida brings home a girlfriend? Please?  [AfterEllen]