Panel of LGBTIQ leaders aim to address community concerns

The Australian Equality Party (AEP) is hosting a Q&A with a difference. Ten panellists of diverse sexuality and gender from across the political spectrum will answer questions from the audience on a broad range of topics at the July 27 event.

The live QQ&A will feature influential LGBTIQ leaders including City of Sydney Councillor, Christine Forster, Human Rights Commissioner, Tim Wilson and Australian Marriage Equality National Convenor, Rodney Croome AM.

AEP Leader, Jason Tuazon-McCheyne said, “We wanted to get this incredible group of people in a room together to thrash out some of the important issues that confront LGBTIQ people today. The recent referendum in Ireland has given a massive boost to the marriage equality campaign and we are edging very close to legislative change, but what happens after marriage equality is achieved?”

The aim of the event is to address some of the broader community concerns including health and education, families and adoption, ex-gay therapy, rural and regional experience, issues for trans, intersex and Indigenous Australians, and for LGBTIQ people seeking asylum.

“When we formed the Australian Equality Party a year and a half ago we wanted to ensure we represented everyone in the LGBTIQ acronym – and others beside – and this QQ&A is aimed at doing just that,” said Tuazon-McCheyne. “We want to acknowledge and respect each other’s differences, but focus on our shared experience of inequality and discrimination. We believe that’s the most effective way to bring about change. And we want to know what the community thinks is important right now.”

The QQ&A will be hosted by the AEP at Melbourne’s Darebin Arts and Entertainment Centre.

Everyone is welcome at this event.

Queer Q&A
Darebin Arts and Entertainment Centre
Cnr Bell St & St Georges Rd, Preston, Victoria
Date and time: Monday 27 July, 7-10pm
Cost: $15
Buy tickets at