Plus, Robin Thicke defends “Blurred Lines” and new characters cast for Game of Thrones and Orange Is the New Black.
Listen up Lizbians—Liz Carmouche won UFC’s first lesbian cage match against Jessica Andrade in the second round with a technical knockout! This is Carmouche’s fifth victory in a UFC fight. She pounded Andrade until the refs called out, leaving one minute left in the round. Carmouche told Fox Sports that it’s great to not have sexual orientation as its main focus of media coverage. “It shouldn’t be a focus on our sexual preference. It’s not who we are as fighters. It’s just an aspect of who we are as people. It’s nice to finally drift away from that,” she says. [SheWired]
It turns out, it really does take a woman to get the job done, especially if that woman is Jodie Foster. Her role as the Secretary of Defense in the upcoming, sci-fi film Elysium was originally written for a man. Luckily, director Neill Blomkamp (District 9) woke up one morning and realized what the role really called for was a strong-willed woman. But this is nothing new. Foster has played several roles originally written for men like Flightplan and Salt. [InsideMovies]

Some say the “Blurred Lines” by Robin Thicke, Pharell and T.I. video and song which is about the good girl, bad girl persona and the line between men and women is degrading and the video in which features scantily clad (or partially nude) models disrespects women. But Thicke disagrees, calling it a feminist movement within itself. With all the Internet controversy and parodies, “Blurred Lines” has been misconstrued and is actually defending women’s independence. Thicke says, “When we made the song, we had nothing but the most respect for women and—my wife [Paula Patton], I’ve been with the same woman since I was a teenager. So for us, we were just trying to make a funny song and sometimes the lyrics get misconstrued when you’re just trying to put people on the dance floor and have a good time, but we had no idea it would stir this much controversy. We only had the best intentions.” [Jezebel]
Grab your armour Game of Thrones fans, winter is coming with it a new cast member for season four—one we have been eagerly anticipating. Indira Verma (Kama Sutra, Luther) will be playing Ellaria Sand, a sexually adventurous character. We don’t mind seeing another sexy heteroflexible woman taking charge! [AfterEllen]

In more television news, Orange is the New Black also gets a new cast member for season 2! Lorraine Toussaint will be playing Vee, “a longtime street tough who ran her own drug business, recruiting children to serve as runners.” [WebProNews]

Holy moly. Pope Francis made a bold statement in a news conference yesterday. “If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has goodwill, who am I to judge? We shouldn’t marginalize people for this. They must be integrated into society.” Knowing that his stance on the LGBT community is fairly unorthodox, this came as a shock to many, but it’s a step in the right direction. [Autostraddle]

The wait is nearly over Gaga lovers! Our favourite queen of pop is releasing her single from Artpop on August 19. In the meantime, let’s all gaze at this amazing artwork from her album set to hit stores in November. [AfterEllen]
And to wrap up your joyous Tuesday, listen to the perfect love song “She Keeps Me Warm” by Mary Lambert now available on iTunes. Sure makes you want to cuddle up in a blanket in front of a warm fire with your favourite girl. [Autostraddle]