women who killA single girl’s Valentine’s Day antidote.

Don’t worry if you’re sick of hearing those two words (“Valentine’s Day”); we have the antidote. Check out those lesbian buddy movies:

We all know, deep down, that BFFs are more important than lovers anyway, right? Right?

Angry Indian Goddesses

It starts out as a cheeky buddy movie when a group of women are called to their friend’s house in Goa.

They correctly guess she’s getting married, but the bigger surprise is to whom. When the impending same-sex marriage gets them thinking about injustice, sexism and inequality, the audience is in for a surprise as the mood shifts dramatically.

A defiant powerhouse of a film, Angry Indian Goddesses explores the realities women in modern India – especially queer women – face. The seven friends in the film will get under your skin.

Burn Burn Burn

In Burn Burn Burn emotionally stunted lesbian Alex (Chloe Pirrie, Youth) arrives back from a funeral to find some serious cheating going down (and we mean going down) on the home front. That explains why her girlfriend didn’t show up to the wake …

Alex and her mate Seph had just watched a video recording their BFF Dan made before he died – bequeathing them his ashes and asking they be scattered across England. Suddenly a road trip doesn’t seem like a bad idea. Burn Burn Burn is a wonderful black comedy about friendship as Dan cleverly sets Alex and Seph free – as they do, him.

Women Who Kill 

A wry and witty American independent film. Morgan (Ingrid Jungermann of web series The Slope fame) and Jean (Ann Carr) used to be a couple and now co-host a podcast about serial killers. As you do. When Morgan starts dating the mysterious Simone, she starts to think her new love might also be a serial killer. (As you do?).

It doesn’t help that Jean agrees, or that Morgan’s only other confidante is also in prison for murder. What plays out is like a who-done-it mystery, complete with red herrings and coincidences that lure us all in. Drawing on shadowy bits of modern romance and all that is unknown in a new relationship, Women Who Kill gets a lot of laughs out of suspicion and paranoia.

Ovarian Psycos

Round out the fiction with the all-too-real lives of the women in Ovarian Psycos. A fascinating documentary tells the empowering story of The Ovarian Psycos (sic), a crew of women of colour who cycle around the rough streets of Eastside LA, creating a safe space for others and, ultimately, themselves.