Gaga Breaks up With TargetLady Gaga has dissolved her partnership with Target due to the chain’s anti-gay political associations.

Lady Gaga recently hopped on the pop-stars-and-corporations relationship bandwagon with Target. This was surprising to some, as Target hit some heat last year when it was revealed that the discount store chain had donated corporate funds to MN Forward, a political action committee that supported antigay candidate Tom Emmer in his failed 2010 run for governor of governor Minnesota.

Last month, Gaga told Billboard magazine why she’d decided to partner with Target. She said, “Part of my deal with Target is that they have to start affiliating themselves with LGBT charity groups and begin to reform and make amends for the mistakes they’ve made in the past…our relationship is hinged upon their reform in the company to support the gay community and to redeem the mistakes they’ve made supporting those [antigay] groups.”

This deal with Gaga and Target did not go as planned. The Advocate has reported that the Born This Way songstress dissolved her deal with Target because of the political donations and Target’s unwillingness to reform its policies. The Advocate’s source said, “She and Target didn’t see eye to eye on Target’s policy of political donations and how they affect the LGBT community.”

Thanks for going to bat for us, Gaga.