First Minus18 Formal Wild SuccessThe first ever Sydney event, the Sydney Queer Formal® had 450 attendees from all over NSW

All 450 tickets were provided FREE to the young people attending.

The Sydney Formal Highlights:

 *   For 99% of young people, this was their first Queer Formal (2 people came from Melbourne!)
*   94.5% said that the Queer Formal had helped them be their true selves.
*   91% hadn’t attended local Sydney LGBTIQ programs yet, and 92% of these youth said they were more likely to access support organisations because of the Queer Formal. 

“Okay so where do I start honestly I can’t chose favourite part so I’ll list them all so the MC was amazing I loved [their] outgoing funny vibes the performance were really good as well but the lipsyncs omg they were amazing if I wasn’t so shy I would of gotten up. The food was really good but my most favourite part was the dancing dancing with literally everyone and seeing people going all out even if they couldn’t even dance was amazing…”
– Attendee, 16 years old, bisexual, person of faith