Dyke-ing the halls.
“Do you queer what I queer?”…Tis the season my Ho Ho Homos and we are here today “dyke-ing the halls” with this official list, of the Top 10 Things Lesbians Want for Christmas.
In the number one spot we have…
1. A Lesbian Christmas Movie. Specifically, something staring at Kristen Stewart…Kissing Jennifer Lawrence. (Ok maybe that last part is just me)
2. Cats all of the cats!!!
3. Androgynous fashion options to the bow-tie.
4. More lesbian greeting card options. For sharing all of the feelings.
5. Ruby Rose and a hay bail sized amount of mistletoe.
6. Our straight crushes to come out…To us…With a simultaneous love confession.
7. Special Gay-Lady Rogain and wigs to help us grow out our undercuts.
8. Plaid Boxers! Oh and shirts and robes and…plaid everything really.
9. Beanies
10. To go home to accepting loving families for the holidays.
What do you really want for Christmas? We want to know! Tell us in the comment below.