Alex Greenwich has welcomed the support of the NSW Labor opposition for his private member’s bill
NSW Member for Sydney, Alex Greenwich, has welcomed the support of the NSW Labor opposition for his private member’s bill that would remove exemptions that allow for Private Educational Authorities to discriminate against students based on sexual orientation, transgender, marital or domestic status, disability and pregnancy.
Mr Greenwich said: “Labor’s support will ensure we have a strong and robust debate on this important issue. I hope the coalition parties also allow their members the opportunity to support my bill”
“Ending discrimination against vulnerable students should be above politics, and something that concerns all members of parliament and the wider community”
Mr Greenwich said many students had shared harrowing stories of discrimination with him: “From threats of expulsion because of sexuality to sending students to a counsellor weekly to “fix their sexuality” and overt bullying in the classroom, the experiences some students are allowed to go through is appalling and it is time the law allowed these students access to the Anti-Discrimination Board”