Set Sails with Black Sails
Black Sails is a Starz Network original series.
To say that it’s a show about pirates is a severe understatement. With Michael Bay as the executive producer, Black Sail is a perfect blend of pirates and pirate history, both fact and fiction.
The show does not shy away from showing us the brutality, the voracity, and the danger of piracy in the eighteenth century. Raw, bloody, and captivating, this show quickly won the hearts and interests of viewers.
One of the most intriguing threads in the storyline is the love affair between a prostitute named Max, and Eleanor Guthrie. Guthrie is a very interesting character as she is a political woman with complete power and freedom.
Despite Max’s occupation, she is also a woman with tremendous power. They are both situated in positions that allow them to control and manipulate the events and people around them. In a world that is dominated by greed, the vulnerability and love between these characters is a rare gem.
There are confessions of love and devotion.
But how can you truly trust someone who is known to be controlling and manipulative? That is a question both women face. Do greed and selfishness get the best of them? Or is their love tried and true? If you’ve missed out on season one, now is your time to catch up and see where this relationship goes in season two.
Jessica Parker Kennedy is an actress from Vancouver, Canada. A woman of Caribbean descent, she portrays Max perfectly.
She is tough, yet vulnerable. She is strong, she is sexy, and she is smart. Her character is captivating. Her performance is flawless. Her dark, flowing curls and her mesmerizing hazel eyes enthral you from the first moment you see her. She exudes sensuality; you cannot imagine any other actress portraying Max. Opposite her is Hannah New.
A beautiful blonde Englishwoman, she is the yin to Kennedy’s yang. Together, they portray one of the most beautiful lesbian couples on television.
In an interview, Jessica Parker Kennedy discussed the fear and trepidation she and New had when filming their first intimate scene. She says that they are both “very heterosexual.” Yet, when you watch the chemistry between the two on the show, you do not detect any trepidation.
Their sexuality is fluid, their connection is undeniable. Kennedy also conversed about how deep and dirty they were able to dig with this show by not needing to succumb to ratings. She was enthused by their ability to be completely raw and gritty. The depth and the darkness of the show reflect that of the time period, and Kennedy seems to love that authenticity.
Jessica Parker Kennedy is just one of the brilliant actors on Black Sails.