KD Williamson's 'Blurred Lines (Cops And Docs)' Volume 1This lesbian romance gives you everything you yearn for.

Blurred Lines has all the right ingredients for an excellent romance. A cold and distant doc and a sensible cop; add a slow-building connection between these two strong characters, some legal dramas to overcome, and like me, you won’t be able to put the book down!

The most important part of this story is the relationship between the two main characters Kelli McCabe and Nora Whitmore, two ladies with absolutely disparate personalities. Kelli is the tough, foul-mouthed, rough detective. She hides a heart of gold under a rough exterior and is very emotional and loyal to her friends and family. Kelli is the strong one that everyone relies on.

Nora is a surgeon and the more serious character of these two strong women. She is quite the opposite of Kelli. She is used to being in control, and the hospital is her life. Nora takes what she needs and keeps everyone outside of her professional life at arm’s length. She is all business, cold and detached.

Tragedy brings Kelli and Nora together when Kelli is being rushed to Seattle Memorial Hospital with a serious gunshot wound. While in recovery, Kelli makes it her daily entertainment to get under Nora’s skin, disrupting her daily routine any chance she gets. KD Williamson has a way with dialogue and phrasing. It was a joy to see these two tough women finding a strong connection.

From the beginning of the book, I felt the tension between these ladies and was hooked right from the start. It was a pleasure for me to watch the relationship between Kelli and Nora growing. My favorite part of this very enjoyable story was the witty banter between them. There were quite a few laugh-out-loud moments, and the chemistry was always great and fun to read.

I missed going outside on a beautiful sunny winter day because of this amazing book which was really great and everything I yearn for when I look for a good romance. Blurred Lines has a plot with depth and conflicts, character development, and witty dialogue. The romance was smoking hot and I found the novel very addictive.

I truly recommend this book and look forward to Crossing Lines – the second book in the Cops and Docs series. It will be interesting to see how things play out.

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