‘Remembering Our Future – Fierce, Fabulous and Free’ is an exhibition celebrating the works of many of our prolific Mardi Gras and community photographers who have collectively engaged us on OUR journey to bring us to where we are today.

The exhibition (and parade entry) partners our group ‘Colours of Our Community’ with the ‘Black Dog Institute’ to highlight the struggles many of us have faced and will continue to meet until full equality is achieved. The catalyst for this partnership is inspired by our featured photographers’ personal and community stories. This includes the work of the late Markham Lane, our group founder, who we sadly lost to suicide in 2022.

This exhibition documents OUR journey across the last five decades, harking back to the days when the work of our photographers was often all we had to connect those of us isolated by fear or distance. The exhibition also provides the platform for the Black Dog Institute to launch a major new survey into LGBTQIA+ mental health wellbeing and service provision.

For many, the struggle to navigate their sexuality and/or gender identity continues to be real and often highly complex. We celebrate the community role our photographers have played in supporting the community alongside the essential and meaningful work of support organizations such as the Black Dog Institute.

Through documenting OUR history, OUR journey, we secure OUR right to be visible, OUR right to be heard, OUR right, TO BE. The visible celebration of our successes and what we have collectively achieved inspires us to push forward toward OUR FUTURE. A future where we have the freedom to be who we want to be and love who we want to love. A world where we are all Fierce, Fabulous, and Free!!!

Mazz Image curates this exhibition and features the works of Markham Lane, Mazz Image, Jamie James, Ann Marie Calilhanna, C Moore Hardy, Tom Luscome, and Sallie Colechin.

Oxford Village

corner Oxford Street and Riley Street , Darlinghurst

20th Feb  – 4th March