Do composers write the music or the lyrics first? The Melbourne Rainbow Band finds out as they prepare for their upcoming concert.

It’s the age old ‘chicken and egg’ scenario.  What do composers write first, the music or the lyrics?  Well sometimes it goes even deeper than that, as the Melbourne Rainbow Band has been finding out in preparation for their upcoming concert, Novel Sounds.

On the afternoon of Sunday the 18th of May the Melbourne Rainbow Band will present their first major concert for 2014.  With a program hosted by comedian and writer, Sue-Ann Post, the talented members of Melbourne’s gay and lesbian community band and their new Musical Director, Greg Peterson, will tell you a story of music originally inspired by novels, plays and poetry.

Alongside the Melbourne Rainbow Band, guest vocalist Rob Martin will present theatrical works derived from the novels of Charlotte Brontë and Roald Dahl.  He will also return to narrate the world premiere performance of Mark Lyall’s original composition entitled ‘Edge’ for concert band, narrator and sound designer.

To compliment this auditory feast, the dance talents of Taylor Scanlan and Joshua Waiss Gates will bring to life the contemporary bestselling novels of The Hunger Games and Twilight series in costumes designed especially for this concert.

From comic strips to Game of Thrones, science fiction to The Canterbury Tales, ‘Novel Sounds’ invites your imagination to defy gravity as you attend the tale of this unique concert experience.

Event Name:  Novel Sounds
Date:               Sunday 18th May, 2014
Time:              2:00pm
Venue:            James Tatoulis Auditorium, Methodist Ladies College, 207 Barkers Road, Kew
Cost:               $25 Adult, $20 Concession

For Bookings and more information, please visit: