Northern Territory LGBTQI Community Asked To Speak Out About Legal RightsLGBTQI identifying people living in the Northern Territory and their friends and family are being urged to provide real life experiences and examples of how inequality under Northern Territory law and policy impacts them.

This anonymous survey will communicate real life examples of inequality under Northern Territory law.

Although society is progressing, many of the laws and policies in the Northern Territory are not. Laws that permit discrimination against LGBTQI people in employment, adoption and access to IVF remain on the Northern Territory books.

Rainbow Territory member Jane Black said, “The level of support in policy and funding for our community is at a low ebb. We are asking people to speak out.”

As well as participating in the anonymous online survey, Rainbow Territory is urging community members to meet with local candidates and talk about the issues faced by the LGBTQI community.

The information gathered will be used to inform advocacy work in the lead up to the Northern Territory election.

The anonymous survey is live and can be accessed here.