LGBTIQ Fertility Options Information Evening With GeneaGenea believes everyone has a right to become a parent and loves making it happen.

When it comes to starting a family there are many different options to look at. Genea believes everyone has the right to become a parent and loves helping make that happen.

If you’ve decided you’d like to have children and have started investigating your options, you probably fast realised that there are dozens of fertility clinics out there claiming to offer you the best chance of success.

So how do you choose? Obviously, you want to find a clinic and a fertility specialist that align with your beliefs and respect your approach to starting a family. Equally important is ensuring that your fertility clinic maximises the potential of having a baby. But how do you figure that out? What questions do you need to ask?

The first question you ask should be about success rates. Does the clinic provide success rates on live births, not just clinical pregnancies? Many clinics only provide their clinical pregnancy rates which can be misleading as what you really want is to take home a baby – it’s the only real measure of success. Independently audited figures from 2004 up to 2013 show that Genea has led the way with live birth rates per embryo transfer, consistently above the average of other Australian and New Zealand clinics.

Across Australia, success rates differ significantly from clinic to clinic. Both technology and technique play a large role in a person’s chance of getting pregnant. As an Australian fertility pioneer, Genea has led the way in improving the science of fertility treatment. With an investment of an average of 10 per cent of revenue back into research each year, Genea has created a number of fertility innovations that play a vital role.

Maximising the potential of having a baby involves making sure that the clinic you select has the necessary scientific know-how. Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS) is an advanced scientific technique used to analyse embryos and assess their genetic make-up. Genea is one of the very few centres in Australia with the vital combination of IVF and genetics facilities to perform these sophisticated tests successfully.

Personalised care is vital during what can be a challenging process so you should ask your intended fertility clinic about who will be looking after you during your treatment. At some clinics, you’ll simply get the doctor rostered on that day rather than the same Fertility Specialist every time. It’s much easier when the people you’re dealing with know your particular story, so don’t have to tell it repeatedly each time. At Genea, patients select their own Fertility Specialist who looks after them throughout their journey supported by a dedicated fertility team including nurses, scientists and counsellors.

If you’ve made the decision to travel down the road toward parenthood, Genea can help answer any questions that might arise. On Thursday 29 June, Genea will offer an information evening for members of Sydney’s LGBTIQ community about the fertility options available.

This free information session will help you find all the answers you need to achieve your dreams of starting a family. Leading Fertility Specialist Dr Mark Livingstone will cover topics including Fertility options for lesbian couples, donor egg and sperm, the IVF process, and issues to consider for recipients, donors and children.

To register for the event, click here and call 1300 361 795.

Learn more about Genea.

More Information:

When: 29 June, 6:00pm-7:30pm
Where:  Genea Sydney City, Level 2, 321 Kent Street, Sydney NSW 2000