Have your festive good wishes hand-delivered by a Teleflora florist and Snoopy!

Teleflora is a trusted name nationwide in expertly arranged, hand-delivered bouquets, perfect for any occasion. But these holidays, Teleflora is delivering something unique and different—with the help of the #1 most shared cartoon character on Facebook.

Teleflora’s Peanuts Bouquets will commemorate 50 years of the all-American classic Christmas special, A Charlie Brown Christmas. No matter what age or gender, everybody relates to the lovable Peanuts gang, especially Snoopy and Charlie. These iconic cartoon characters span all differences and speak to everyone with a similar message about tolerance and inclusion and finding family in unlikely friendships.

Exclusively available at Teleflora.com as of November 28, 2015, you can choose from some very special limited edition gift bouquets, including:

Snoopy’s Cookie Jar by Teleflora and Peanuts Christmas Mug by Teleflora. These collector’s item bouquets feature a holiday bouquet in festive red, white, and green, with baubles and pine cones—but best of all, a limited edition cookie jar or mug made from Snoopy’s doghouse, or a one-dimensional mug depicting Charlie Brown and Snoopy ice skating.

The best thing about Teleflora, aside from their high quality, classically structured, long-lasting bouquets is that the “vases” are reusable and collectible; and the arrangements are hand-delivered by a local florist anywhere in the country. That means that if you can’t physically be with your “gang” for the holidays, you can be there in spirit, with Snoopy and Charlie as the special envoys of your holiday message!

And Teleflora bouquets are perfect for home decorating, too. If your Christmas sweetheart likes a more traditional bouquet for her Yuletide table, you’ll love Thomas Kinkade’s Country Christmas Homecoming Centerpiece. This handcrafted, hand-painted cozy winter scene of a beautifully lit village cottage surrounded by snow-covered fir trees is perched atop a classic holiday bouquet.

Tips on Making the Most of Your Holiday Flowers

Have you always wanted to know how to make that beautiful bunch of flowers last as long as possible? Here’s a couple of handy tips from Teleflora:

  • Mix your bouquet with a holiday cocktail. Keep the water fresh by adding a small aspirin and a few drops of vodka, bleach or vinegar. It helps keep the water clean and free of bacteria. A teaspoon of sugar will also keep them looking peppy.
  • If you like displaying bunches of fir and greenery, keep them looking “spruce” by misting them every few days.