NSW GLRL bannerThe Gay & Lesbian Rights Lobby (GLRL) is currently planning how we can best meet the needs of the LGBTIQ community in the medium to long term.

Our relationships with community organisations are vital to our work, and we would greatly value your input on a range of issues, including:

  • What issues do you face on a day-to-day basis as a community organisation working with the LGBTIQ community?
  • What issues do you think are most important for the LGBTIQ community?
  • What issues do you think the Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby should be focusing on in the future?

To assist us with our planning, can we please ask you to fill out our survey for community organisations here by 5 PM on Monday 12 October.

You are also welcome to send any feedback via email to: [email protected]

Since its inception in 1988, a core purpose of the Gay & Lesbian Rights Lobby has been achieving legal equality for lesbians, gay men and their families at an NSW state and federal level.

Over the past two decades, the GLRL has been successful in lobbying for substantive reform across areas such as the age of consent, equal de facto rights, adoption and surrogacy, provocation, and anti-discrimination law.

There remain legislative reforms to achieve, principally the removal of exemptions for religious organisations in anti-discrimination law, and marriage equality. These reforms will be hard-fought. However, we also need to think beyond legislative reform.

Legislative equality is not the same thing as social equality, and many of the issues faced by the lesbian and gay community – including increased rates of violence, harassment and discrimination; a lack of understanding of their legal rights and protections; and poorer physical and mental health outcomes—will remain outstanding.

The GLRL thus needs to consider how it can continue to respond to the needs of lesbian and gay (and more broadly LGBTI) communities in NSW into the future.