2 older Lesbians holding up signs Explore the experiences of older lesbian, gay, and bisexual people.

Support from lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community members and chosen families has been noted as the important source of informal support for older LGB people.

However, research on patterns of help-seeking of people who come out as lesbian, gay or bisexual (LGB) later in life is still rare.

A landmark investigation into the help-seeking experiences of LGB people who have come out as mature adults is being conducted through Southern Cross University.

This research aims to explore the experiences of coming out as LGB later in life and the impact of coming out on seeking support from friends, family and community resources.

PhD candidate Li-Min Lee is seeking participants for the research project entitled Coming out later in life and help-seeking: exploring the experiences of older lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) people.

The researchers are looking to recruit LGB people who are 50 years old and over and came out as LGB at the age of 40 or older.

The process of this study includes an interview lasting 1-2 hours and can be face-to-face in a location of your choice, over the phone, or on Skype. The study will last until March 2016.

All responses are anonymous and will be de-identified while remaining strictly confidential with the data stored securely.

Participants can withdraw at any time with no consequences.

Any reports or articles published from this study will only include the de-identified data and no personal information will be disclosed.

The Human Research Ethics Committee at Southern Cross University has approved this research.