Constable Emma Kirby is on the spot when an explosion nearly kills singer Daina Buchanan during a concert. The debut novel of Canadian author Rebecca Swartzhas many unexpected twists and turns and keeps the main characters and the readers on their toes.

“Everything Pales in Comparison” is the debut novel of Canadian author Rebecca Swartz. The long and dark winters are obviously conducive to great writing and this romance is entertainingly mixed with suspense. Small wonder that she was nominated a “Goldie” award in two categories.
The story is set in Winnipeg Canada and has a lovely Canadian “voice”. Constable Emma Kirby is on the spot when an explosion nearly kills singer Daina Buchanan during a concert. From then on her life and her duties get interwoven more and more with Daina’s life and her protection … and yes, this is also a romance! Acting as a counterpoint to the romantic aspects is the investigation into the causes of, and motivation behind, the attempt on Daina’s life. The investigation has many unexpected twists and turns and keeps the main characters and the readers on their toes.
The writing is solid and well-edited. The story moves along at a nice pace, with tense and fast moments of suspense intermixed with times of emotional depth. The character development is strong and believable. All in all, a nice mix of romance and intrigue.