Alice Springs Welcome Rock Celebrate lesbian, gay, trans, intersex, queer, sister girl and brother boy diversity in Central Australia

Family fair day, pride party, film night, an art exhibition, workshops and forums are all part of this year’s Alice Springs Pride Carnivale.

“The opening night art exhibition on Thursday July 30 kicks off another great weekend celebrating diversity in Central Australia,” says Thea McDiarmid from the Pride Carnivale organising committee.

“This year’s annual Pride Carnivale is crafted to include arts, performance and celebration in the centre of Australia. In the middle of the desert we celebrate and embrace lesbian, gay, trans, intersex, queer, sister girl and brother boy diversity,” says Thea.

Performers, visitors and artists from throughout the Northern Territory and Australia will converge on Alice Springs for Pride Carnivale 2015.

“Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Indigenous Australians from the Northern Territory and beyond are the key focus of this year’s Pride Carnivale,” says committee member Barry Dallman.

“It all culminates with the Saturday Fair Day on August 1. It’s a family event running from 11am until 3pm with stage acts, stalls, food, entertainment, camp dog show and so much more,” says Barry.