Victoria Pye Marrickville, NSW Australia. Photo: Narelle Spangher
Victoria Pye Marrickville, NSW Australia. Photo: Narelle Spangher

Victoria Pye Wants To Be The Lady-Lovin’ Lady In The Mayor Chair

Though mayorship may actually be a few years off, Victoria Pye, for now, has set her sights on an Independent Councillor role in the newly formed Inner West Council of Sydney, and, if elected, will be the only member of the LGBTI community there.

“The Council is there to represent the community, and I think it’s important that we have gay people on council, especially in the Inner West, which has a large LGBTI community compared to most other places. I want to be on a council that is as diverse as the people it represents” Victoria said.

Victoria sees having more women and LGBTI people in all levels of government as one of many things that are important in reaching a more equal society.

“To get a more representative council there really needs to be a perfect storm of community desire, capable people putting their hand up and those people being able to run a solid campaign,” she said. “I’m really hoping that by putting myself out there and going after it, the community desire for change and the support will follow.”

Half way through her campaign the postal plebiscite was announced and the YES campaign for marriage equality has now started in earnest.

“I’d really like to be out campaigning for the YES side, but I just have to concentrate on my own campaign at the moment, and in 3 weeks, when it’s all over I can devote some energy to marriage equality,” she said.