The longest-running study of lesbian families, recently reported that the rate of abused children in those families is far lower than the national average.

In an article published by The Williams Institute, that researchers, 24 years into the longest-running study of lesbian families, reported that the rate of abused children in those families is far lower than the national average. So low, it’s actually zero.

In the study 78 children (39 boys and 39 girls, all age 17) of lesbian mothers were asked about sexual abuse, sexual orientation, and sexual behavior.  All reported that they had not been abused in any way, though one did report being verbally abused by a stepmother.

The findings were compared to the 26 percent of American teens who report physical abuse by a parent, and 8.3 percent who report sexual abuse.

The report said of the lack of abuse found in lesbian-parented households, “This finding contradicts the notion, offered in opposition to parenting by gay and lesbian people, that same-sex parents are likely to abuse their offspring sexually.” The study went on to say that, “Growing up in lesbian-headed households may protect children and adolescents from these types of assault.”

Not only are children protected from assault but according to research, daughters and sons of lesbian mothers rate higher in academic competence and lower in social problems such as rule-breaking and aggressiveness.

The report also mentioned that daughters of lesbian mothers are more likely than their peers to identify as bisexual or to have had sexual experiences with the same sex. This is possibly due to the fact that lesbian-parented families are more open, and children are less likely to be victimized for same-sex attraction.

Not only is this research valuable because it confirms what we already know (lesbian moms are awesome), but it also provides a useful family model to healthcare professionals and child protection agencies looking for family models in which violence is completely absent.

The study was conducted by Nanette Gartrell, M.D., Henny Bos, Ph.D. (University of Amsterdam), and Naomi Goldberg, M.P.P.