
Australian Marriage Equality has released the results of its 2013 election survey, showing strong support among Labor candidates and growing support in Coalition ranks.
Australian Marriage Equality national director, Rodney Croome, said,
“More Liberal and Labor candidates support marriage equality than ever before, which makes us optimistic the next parliament will be more supportive of marriage equality than the previous one, regardless of who wins government.”
“At the 2010 election, only one Liberal candidate was willing to support marriage equality publicly, so it’s very pleasing to see more public supporters in the Coalition at this election.”
“This bodes well for the Coalition adopting a conscience vote and for us mustering a majority in both houses.”
“We are also pleased to see support so high among Labor candidates with three-quarters of those candidates who have a public view on the issue supporting reform.”
Fourteen Liberal and National Party candidates, eighteen Palmer United candidates, 75% of Labor candidates and all Green candidates have publicly indicated their support for marriage equality.
Because the Labor Party allows a conscience vote on marriage equality, the reform cannot be achieved by one party alone. It can only pass if there is a cross-party conscience vote and if it has support from a majority of federal representatives across party lines.
This is why AME has focussed on individual candidates rather than party positions.
However, Mr Croome said both Labor and the Greens had given whole-of-party commitments not to support a civil union bill before marriage equality is achieved.
“Civil unions can never be a substitute for full equality, so we welcome the ALP and Greens’ commitment to oppose this second-best form of recognition.”
Mr Croome went on to welcome reports that Margie Abbott, wife of Coalition leader, Tony Abbott, is open to the idea of marriage equality, joining her two daughters, Bridgette and Frances, who already support the reform.
“On the issue of marriage equality, Mr Abbott will be under pressure in the lounge room as well as the party room”, Mr Croome said.
Liberal and National candidates who have indicated publicly they support marriage equality
Teresa Gambaro – Brisbane
Bill Glasson – Griffith
Wyatt Roy – Longman
Michael Feneley – Kingsford Smith
Sean O’Connor – Sydney
Malcolm Turnbull – Wentworth
Kent Jones – Werriwa
Kelly O’Dwyer – Higgins
Nick McGowan – Jagajaga
Kevin Echendahl – Melbourne Ports
James Van Styn – Durack
Michael Rose – Forrest
Arthur Sinodinis – Senate
Simon Birmingham – Senate
Labour candidates who have indicated they have a view on marriage equality
Total with a public view: 158
Support: 119 (75.3%)
Opposed: 39 (24.7%)
Labour candidates who pledged to vote for marriage equality next time, having not voted for it until now, include Michael Danby and David Feeney.
Green candidates
All support marriage equality, without exception
Number of other candidates who have told AME they support marriage equality
Palmer United Party: 18
Katter Australia Party: 2
Independents: 41