Camp Out happening in 2014 and needs you!Camp Out is a 4 night camp for LGBTIQ youth and needs more members.

Camp Out is a camp for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer (LGBTIQ), and Sex &/or Gender Diverse teens, same sex attracted, curious & questioning teens and their allies, aged 13-17.

Camp Out offers the chance to attend a 5-night away-from-home camp with people who share similar experiences, offering a supportive and safe space to learn and express yourself, an opportunity for capacity building and a fun environment in which to do so.

Most of all, it’s the chance to hang out in a place where you’re not judged for who you are, or who you like.
There’s heaps of art, music, sports, games and other fun stuff happening during camp, as well as hangouts like movie nights, beach trips and bonfires!

As well as your more typical camp activities, there are open workshops and informal discussions on things like identity & what it means to be LGBTIQ-identified or questioning your gender or sexual orientation, dealing with homophobia & transphobia, coming out in high school, coming out to parents or friends, and how to be an awesome LGBTIQ ally.

With all the Camp activities it’s up to you how you want to participate — you choose your own Camp experience!

CAMP OUT inc. is an Australian grassroots, community-based, non-profit organisation based in Sydney. We run an annual camp for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer and Sex &/or Gender Diverse teens, same-sex attracted, curious & questioning teens and their allies.

The camp aims to give campers aged 13 to 17 an opportunity to meaningfully connect with others and share their experiences in a safe, supportive, and fun environment. We aim for the campers to leave camp with confidence, skills and resources and to feel strong in their identity and in navigating their worlds.

All Camp organising crew, workshop facilitators and onsite Camp crew attend training kindly provided by Twenty10, a statewide community organisation that works with and supports young people of diverse genders, sexes and sexualities, their families and friends.
As a non-profit organisation, all donations, grants, and other contributions that Camp Out Inc. receives go towards maintaining accessibility and high-quality programming at camp, and keeping our camp fees as low as possible for all campers and their families

Camp Out is staffed and run entirely by unpaid volunteers.

Camp Out is facilitated by socially conscious and passionate people operating from a social justice framework. Camp Out values equity, inclusion, empowerment, mutual support, self-determination and autonomy and aims to foster these values through the camp experience.
These values are evident in the way we choose to organise as a collective: we employ a consensus decision-making model and are non-hierarchical in our organisational structure. Further, Camp Out chooses to receive funding from strictly noncommercial sources only, and to only affiliate with like-minded community organisations.
Specifically, our values of equity and social justice have led to the introduction of sliding scale camp fees, meaning Camp Out is accessible to all campers regardless of financial status or background.