Ghanaian Australian Duo Kinder
Ghanaian Australian Duo Kinder

Bus Stop pays tribute to Savannah and Briony’s father Kofi, in a sweet fictional tale about a character who can’t get off ‘African Time’ – a term Savannah, Briony and their mother use to describe Kati’s creative interpretation of timings.

Dark and brooding, the song is effortlessly empowering, ending on a dancefloor climax that enforces the value of forging your path at your own speed.

In the video, Kinder notes “Ribal was incredible to work with. Shoot day was so fluid, it was like improvising music but with visuals. He was so quickly and effortlessly switching between looks and vibes with the camera setups.

Watching back the first few raw takes on the day, we could tell there was something really great happening.”

“Bus Stop is a darker track for us, more than any other song we have released” add Briony and Savannah “We spoke to a few different people about the video and how to capture the right more nighttime club atmosphere that’s in the song production. Ribal sent us a mash up of 20 other videos, remixed over the start of our song, and we knew he totally understood the track. He’s a real fan of the music videos we love, so we were on the right page creatively from the start.”


Saturday 5th June – Poof Doof, Melbourne, VIC

Saturday 12th June – Poof Doof, Sydney, NSW

Saturday 3rd July – Uni Bar, University of Hobart, TAS
Saturday 28th August – Fresh Produce Festival, Maitland Showground, Maitland NSW

Wednesday 8th – Saturday 11th September – Snow Machine Festival, Queenstown, New Zealand

Saturday 23rd October -Wine Machine – Swan Valley, Perth WA