Club AdonisThe event is attended by many Greeks and people of all ethnicity who enjoy a Greek Australian cultural experience.

There are three main reasons why we put our events on.

Firstly to have an amazing time celebrating Greek Australian Culture and a GLBTI safe environment.

Secondly to offer people of our community an opportunity to socialize meet and mingle in a fun, crazy environment; where new friends and loves are found.

Finally to raise money for our community we truly are proud of the thousands of dollars our patrons and members have raised for Twenty10

Twenty10 works with and offers support to young people of diverse genders, sexes and sexuality, their families and friends. Aiming to be a beacon of strength and acceptance – supporting young people to build resilience and achieve their potential.

It is a free and confidential service. In the Greek culture often GLBTI people find it difficult to find acceptance at home, they are often left to fend for themselves, increasing their chances of homelessness, mental health issues and suicide. It is easy to see why we feel raising funds for Twenty 10 is so important and something all who attend Club Adonis should be proud of.