Sizzling new web series reveals home truths – set in Sydney’s Inner-West.

Inspired by stories from her own life and the lives of friends, award-winning writer/director Julie Kalceff is shaking up the lesbian web series world with a new six part series set in Sydney’s inner-west.
Starting from… Now! follows the lives of four lesbians in their late 20’s/early 30’s as they try to keep it together despite stagnating relationships, ever elusive dreams, temptations too close to home, and, of course, the question of starting a family.
“It’s the grit of everyday life that makes us so interesting, not just the seemingly ongoing dating cycle” Kalceff argues “for those in long term relationships, it’s a very different set of issues.”
Starting from…Now! stars Rosie Lourde (Felony), Lauren Orrell (Brush, Rescue Special Ops), Bianca Brady (Wyrmwood), and introduces Sarah de Possesse.
Common Language Films will launch season 1 on Tuesday March 11 on and will continue to release an episode a week. Stay up to date with all the extra footage, info and details on their facebook page